Emily's story...
As a mother of three young children, wife to my wonderful husband and both of us working full time, life was hectic. I had recently started a new early childhood teaching job and unfortunately over the year, lost all my confidence due to workplace bullying. I was taking a lot of my work stress home and it was beginning to affect our family. My oldest daughter (then only 7 years old) was reflecting how I was feeling and was struggling socially at school. My husband and I were drifting apart. Eventually my husband and I could see that something had to give and we were not prepared for it to be our family. We made the decision that I would resign from my job to focus on my own mental health as well as my family’s wellbeing. I still remember that day vividly and the feeling of relief and the weight of the world being lifted from my shoulders.
We decided I would take 6 months off and focus on mine and the family’s recovery. Exercise kept my mind busy and helped me focus on small achievements, like finishing a workout. I stumbled across Cassey Ho’s YouTube site Blogilates and I was hooked! I learnt to stop comparing myself to other people – how strong, flexible or fast they were compared to me – and to focus on my own fitness journey. By doing this I was able to face my insecurities and build not just physical strength but mental strength too. I found moving my body helped me process the pain and shame I felt from the bulling over the past year. Six months later I took the leap and decided to do my training to become a certified Pop Pilates instructor.
I know there are many more people out there that are struggling to find their confidence, who perhaps too have been bullied or are fighting depression or feelings of anxiety. Moving my body helped me heal which then led to our family healing. I hope that my story will inspire others who might be feeling lost, overwhelmed or alone, that you are not and there is a place for everyone in the EMpowered Tribe. I want to help people move their bodies in safe and effective ways, fall in love with how it makes them feel and mostly fall in love with themselves again. My goal is to create a community of like-minded people, where they can turn to one another for support and inspiration: a community where they see how powerful, strong and brave they really are.
Read more about Emily's story in The Natural Parent Magazine article:

Emily Stock
become empowered with me